when your having fun! And boy are we having fun these days!=0) Our days are filled with fun snuggles, giggles, potty breaks.. (yes Abigail is POTTY TRAINED!!) mom is pumped about that.
Singing, dancing, nursing, loving seeing Cooper smile, and living for bed time=0) A friend told me the other day that "the days are long but the years are short!" SO true, and my little ones are still so tiny, but I am loving and cherishing almost every minute of my life with them while they both fit in my lap and love for me to smooch and cuddle them.
Look who found his way into mommy and daddy's bed....

Cute little cuddle bug. Cooper LOVES to be right next to his mommy. When Abs was a baby she kinda liked to be put down and left alone, but not Coop! The closer the better.... so we are using the moby wrap alot these days where he falls sound asleep on my chest- and believe me- I don't mind one bit!

Cute little doobles is such a doll- can a toddler get any cuter is my question!? She is such a hoot and talked non stop. She is so sweet and affectionate. Tonight Cody and I kissed her on either side of her little chubby cheeks and she says "AHH, thanks guys!" =0) She loves to read, play, dance to Les Mis (I am starting her young), and she loves her little brother, she holds him, talks to him, squeezes him (sometimes a bit hard..) and tell everyone about him. "baby cooper is my baby cooper."

First trip to Church- 3 weeks old....

just hanging out...

Cute little Abs in her egg plant hat from Nana K

We took a trip to El Paso to meet the great grandparents! It was a wonderful trip and very special because Cooper William is named after my grandad William WOmack- a wonderful man who has spoken alot of wisdom into both Cody and I's life. Here are the great grandparents Womacks with the little ones.

bath time for my babies!

Cooper is 8 weeks old today, and I am not sure but on my scale at home it says he weighs somewhere between 12-13 lbs! Ya, he is HUGE! not just chubby but super long! We have his check up on Monday and I can't wait to see how much he has grown! So different from my tiny little Abigail who didn't wight 12 lbs till she was like 7 months!!haha
Cooper (and Abigail are so blessed to have such a wonderful family that loves them SO much!) Tons of Aunts and Uncles, grandparents, greatgrands, and even some adopted family member! We have had some wonderful guests come visit us to see and meet Cooper! And I didn't make 1 meal till Cooper was 6 weeks old!!! THank you SO much for all our friends and family who has helped us, continue to help us and LOVE us!! We are SOOOO blessed!

Nana K and Uncle Steve!

little baby bear, not so pumped about his first hike!

I literally have so many pictures- I don't have time to upload them all and sort through them!! AHH! I have more but I will have to upload more later!
We are loving life with our two little munchkins, but Cody is processing tons of buffalo meat and I should probably go help him- since I am pumped for buffalo burgers tomorrow night!!=0)
Love to you all!